Bacon Fiends Rejoice!

Rest easy pork lovers, the bacon lollipop has arrived!

Thanks again to Mr. Matt Boyd for helping to fill that bacon void in my life, by keeping me up to date on all the latest hog happenings. This little wonder is a lollipop made from Vermont Maple syrup and organic cured pork.

They pitch this pitch and pork product as the anti-kosher lollipop, that infuses the sweetness of syrup with the salty joy of crispy bacon. All I can say is, "I have to try one!"


  1. This better not be a joke!

  2. I can now die, my life fulfilled.

  3. I am torn between "Yay! Bacon!" - because, hey, it's got bacon in it! - and "W.T.F?!? Only in the U.S. could they come up with something like that!!"

    Leaning heavily towards the WTF, though...

  4. This looks too much like Jurassic-era insects preserved in amber for my palate.

  5. I like bacon but I have to admit that doesn't look so good.

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I certainly hope you ordered a set, because if you haven't, well I lost faith in your love of pork products.

    Somehow when reading the website, please forgive me, but it sounds kinda interesting? Maybe even good?

    I am off to take the 8th grade test, lets see what 23 years does to the brain?

  7. Hmmm...the jurassic era comment was a little too accurate. :)

  8. Hmm...not so sure about bacon in a sucker. I agree with the others, it looks like something from Jurassic park.

  9. Just a note - I got my button from Cafe Press and love it - I think all my friends and family should get one for Christmas :)

  10. SJ-

    You are the new official sponsor!

  11. All-

    They have sold out of these due to high demand!!! Awesome!
