20 Things I've Learned From Blogging

  • There are days when blogging is less like recreation and more like work.

  • Updates are expected. Best of luck with that.

  • Originality is harder than you think given the vastness of the Net.

  • If you're looking for Pulitzer prize writing, skip the blogs. If you're looking for vast collections of Gothic poetry, then you've come home.

  • Everyone has a blog. Even grandma Ethel.

  • Grandma Ethel's blog has a better Google Pagerank than yours.

  • If you have to ask 'why blog' then this might not be for for you.

  • Sometimes it's more important just to post than really have something to post about.

  • My blogging catch phrase "Just Post it!" (see 3)

  • When in doubt post a picture and a cool link. "Dude! - Check This Out!"

  • Themes. The ultimate blogger makeover. Complete with all the bugs and design flaws you've come to expect from computing.

  • Niche Blogging- The fastest path to a mental breakdown on the Web.

  • Even a real world loser can be a superstar on the Interwebs.

  • Nothing feels as good as a new comment.

  • Two words - RSS Rocks!

  • If you only have one blog, then you aren't fully hooked yet.

  • Losing sleep over your next blog post is a bloggers reality.

  • Making money blogging is alot like 'Snark Hunting', kinda fun with very little to show for it.

  • Not every post will be award winning. Learn to accept failure gracefully. If at first you don't succeed, then your above average. Try again.

  • At the end of the day I would definitely say, 'It's worth it.'

    1. 21 - Just because no ones commenting doesn't mean no ones reading.

      22 - The posts you like are never the ones that get all the traffic.

      23 - Blog for yourself, not to become a star. Because it doesn't work that way (unless you blog about what White People Like).

      24 - Always compliment a fellow blogger on a good post.

      Good post!

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I wish I had the thought processes needed to blog, because my favorite is the one about getting new posts, it was awesome, you felt connected for a brief moment.

      I always enjoy your blog, even if there aren't any pictures!

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Another great post dude!
      It´s already been "Spagniolizado" on:

      BTW, I have a few more ideas for the last 20 things list we talked about


    4. You know, I've never liked the word 'blog.'

      It reminds me of something you'd step on in a puddle while vacationing in merry ole' England.

    5. 25 - Commenting is almost as hard as blogging, since you're worried about whether you have anything substantial to say, even when you simply want to compliment the author.
