
Wanted- Doctor skilled in the art of funny bone repair, to help with the revitalization of my humor center. Applicant should have years of experience and an understanding of basic concepts of humor, such as comic timing, effective puns and be able to wedge in the phrase 'sticky buns' liberally.


  1. I would recommend Dr. Seuss, but he's dead.

  2. His birthday is coming up though :)

  3. Writer's block again, eh? Maybe you need to immerse yourself in some deep, inspirational reading, like Calvin & Hobbes, for a little while...

    Actually, I know just the ticket --I'm looking for judges for a speech tournament April 11th & 12th and there's several humorous categories!! :) Nothing better than that!

  4. Anonymous4:52 AM

    How about some Star Trek reruns?
    Or buy a Wii maybe!

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM


    That was fun. I would like to do that again, if needed.

  6. We would love to have you judge again -- I'm putting a judges letter in the mail to you today because I can't find your email address! :)

  7. So here's an interesting coincidence. I started a blog to start a series of posts about "Geek history", and over the months, my humor posts have drawn in more traffic by a ratio of something like sixteen-to-one. Which is all good, except that my free host has told me point-blank that if I ever get BoingBoing'd again, they're suspending my account.

    Your traffic kick my site's ass any day of the week and you seem to be in the middle of a "dry spell", while I know that if I post anything too popular, I'll loose a host for my history posts that are my reason for having a blog to begin with.

    Maybe we could work out some sort of collaboration? Bandwidth for co-writing or guest writing or playing the part of the muse, maybe?

    Check out the humor category of my little blog, The Great Geek Manual:

    Yeah. Sorry about that name:)

    You can contact me through my Contact page or at GMail using the handle Pipedreamergrey.

  8. Anonymous2:06 PM

    You constantly amaze me with your quick wit and crisp humor. It's not that you have a dry spell, it's just taking a much needed rest. I agree, there isn't much better than Calvin and Hobbes. Just when you least expect it, something will come to you, hopefully at the expense of a relative!

  9. Humor, my boy, is hard work. It requires lots of toil and dust and dirt and grime. The best thing to do is sit down on a hard chair, the more uncomfortable the better, and start writing until your fingers hurt.

    A diet of bread and water helps.

  10. este post esta buenisimo
    neta neta
