
"How about what life would be like if we still had to drive horses." -Jason from Puddleglum's Wigwam

Honestly Jason, I want you to know that I've been giving this a lot of thought. I believe that it would be bad. I mean real bad and stuff. Like people wouldn't like it and things like that.

Okay, I admit it you stumped me. I mean I haven't been able to come up with anything even halfway amusing at all, and I've been thinking about it for over a week. I liked the idea and envisioned some crazy story of horses in the backseat of cars with all their nasty habits. Like they were the oppressive overlord and we were the slaves... And then I just said, "Peter, that's not even halfway funny." So I cried myself to sleep and gave up on the dream of my horsey tale (<-- this is both a lie and a bad pun)

It's not you, it's me. I just wanted you to know I tried. Honest! I liked the idea, but just couldn't figure it out.

I also tried to get you a Papa John's pizza, but they don't take Paypal, so I'm sorry about that too. I let you down man, are you sure you don't like Dominoes? Oh wait, never mind they don't take Paypal either.


  1. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Don't feel badly, it is amazing how much stuff you come up with and with fusion going you have to set priorities. I just deleted my blog because well lets face it, I am a boring woman. I think I want pizza for lunch.....

  2. I think all the rock hauling has sapped your creative juices. My apologies.

  3. I think the Kludgemaster General has been working too many hours.

    Dominoes is good, unless it is delivered by horses. Then it's cold, and not so good. And probably covered with horse fur.

  4. Missy-

    : O You deleted it!? Oh, that's too bad. I liked your posts. If you get the urge to start it rolling again let me know, so I can link back to you!

    Fusion Ring and LAS are all about the money. Not a very noble blogs at all. :)

  5. Ando-

    I'm suing for damages...and loss of...

    What was I saying?

  6. Jason-

    Horse fur?!

    Horses are fur glue and drawing carriages.
