20 Things I Learned From My Manager

  • Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, manage.

  • Numbers don't reflect reality, they create it.

  • Overlord Boss: Micromanaging you to an early grave!

  • When in doubt, call a meeting.

  • The only thing that would make life better is another pie chart.

  • It might be the best idea on Earth, but if you can't make me understand it, it's worthless.

  • I'll never get it.

  • The only constant is ignorance.

  • My door makes me special.

  • If managing is an art, then I'm a finger painter.

  • Everyone below me is an idiot, everyone above me is a deity.

  • Never measure, cut a dozen times.

  • Open door policy. If it's open, I'm out.

  • Promises were made to be broken.

  • Bitterness is the fuel that makes this office run!

  • If it can't be graphed, it's not important to me.

  • There's no money for training, so stop asking! Oh and remember I'll be gone next week at a convention in Palm Springs.

  • When you start to speak, I begin thinking about the features on my new Blackberry.

  • Don't mistake my nodding for understanding. It's just a reflex.

  • Your knowledge is an affront to my managing skills.

    1. Please forgive the bitterness in this post... It's been a bad couple of weeks.

    2. Some of those ring true, unfortunately.

      Dave Dragon
      Ride it like you stole it

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Bitter or not it's all so true and I haven't really been in the working world like that since the 80's and it was just like that then as well. Except for the blackberry, they were playing with a pager, which didn't do anything!

    4. If I hear gunfire across coming from around the corner, I'll know what's up.

      I can offer my sympathy, but not empathy. I've been blessed to have good managers. Though I have definitely witnessed coworkers who were not so lucky.

    5. Ah, managers...some are wonderful and some, well, they shouldn't have a job. I'm sorry that you've had a bad couple of weeks! Hang in there.
