Word To The Wise



This is my first full day wearing shoes since a rather unfortunate Labor Day 'episode'. Even seven days later ,I'm still in quite a bit of discomfort. Additionally I have peeled away a couple layers of me and still see nothing but red legs and ankles...

...Some people have to learn the same lessons, over and over and over and over...


  1. I feel your pain. Each year I too forget to lather on the sunscreen and get a chance to wish I had. Here's to remembering next summer!!

  2. Hey, at least it wasn't your face this time.

  3. I am confused. I plugged those three words into an anagram generator and got "Seek Urgent Yuk."

    I found that funny. . .(I should also mention I have just awaken from a 24-hour-migraine-induced-drug-stupor, so may sense of reality is a little bit fuzzy.)

  4. Sarah-

    I don't know why I dislike sunscreen so much... there's just something about it...

    but it would be so much better than this!

  5. Ando-

    uhg. Yeah I was just looking at those pictures again... what a nasty burn.

  6. Jason-

    "Seek Urgent Yuk." I like it. Sounds like and old Dick and Jane read.

    I hope you're feeling better this morning.

  7. I have a similar equation, only it goes something like this: nerd + sun = lobster

  8. So the Labor Day tan didn't pan out so well huh???? Bummer! I do have to admit this post made me laugh and laugh! Hope you are feeling better!

  9. Anonymous3:06 PM

    after the giggle, I did feel badly for you..we have all done that before, BUT if you are just now putting shoes on after and still feeling pain, man, you DID IT RIGHT!! Be careful out there.

    checked reddit, crazy website..

  10. Those pictures were awesome!

    I'm sorry for your pain, but good job getting a clever blog, with very little writing, out of it!

    On a sunscreen note, Costco sells a 2 pack of a neutrogena spray-on that works great and is rather painless to apply. It has even kept the fair Drama Queen unburnt -- no small task!

  11. Jenylu-

    Thanks. The idea was actually blatant stolen from Ando's Easter Post I almost even hijacked the title from him! :)

    I really need to get over this anti-sunscreen thing. I don't think it's working out for me.

  12. Missy-

    All kidding aside, this is a very painful sunburn. I'm still hurting eight days after.

    I was thinking next time I'm just going to saw my legs off to try and curb the pain.

  13. Sj-

    What's really funny, is that parts of the leg are turning to tan... I look like a slice of marbled rye bread!

  14. I thought this looked familiar!
