Chicken Little

For those of you who wonder why it is that I get paid for my job, understand that I am now earning that draw. In the world of computer networks the last thing you want to see is your network administrator running around looking busy and worried. This is a little like the bomb tech running for his life.

So I'll try and post later, but I can't make any promises.


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I guess earning a living is more important than keeping us entertained! Good luck chicken and keep that head from getting cut off.

  2. Ok - ok - so I can wait to be entertained - guess work is important! And I do know that when I have computer issues - I want it fixed asap -

  3. I hope everything worked out!

  4. Hey Kludge! Thanks for the visit on my blog and for the kind comment! I hope all's well at work by now...
    I keep telling everybody these dam... I mean, these nice, so very nice machines will take control some day. But, we keep upgrading and giving stuff like 'artificial inteligence' and then waiting to see what happens...sheeesh*
    But... until then, best of luck to you and your computer!
