20 Things I Learned From NES Gaming

Fernando over at Picando Codigo has been translating my '20 Things' posts into Spanish on his blog. When he asked if I was okay with that, I was of course very flattered and agreed that I had no problem with it.

For kicks we decided to go fifty fifty on a new '20 Things' list of his own creation. Half are my revelations and half are his. Any of you who can read Spanish be sure to check him out and drop a note off.

So here it is, as Fernando put it, "The mighty collaboration between two geeks who had nothing better to do!"

  • Don't forget to stretch. One thumb cramp and you're done for.

  • Bring your own controller.

  • Controllers on the couch leads to tripping with wires, leads to equipment flying across the room. This only stinks if you're winning.

  • No liquids, near the NES. This also includes sticky, splashy or crummy foods.

  • Franticly waving the NES controller. The original Wii.

  • Pizza is important, but always clean your hands. Your game might suffer from slippery thumbs.

  • The worse you play, the less you play. Better players make a better show for the rest.

  • If you loose, don´t cry. Pity won´t make others let you win. and no one likes a sore looser.

  • If you win, you must accept a rematch. These are the rules, and it allows for further humiliation.

  • When in doubt warp a level.

  • All is fair in war. Make no mistake, you are at war.

  • Cheating is out of the rules. If you cheat, you suck.

  • "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start." Don't pretend you don't understand.

  • No one beats Tyson, but it's still fun to see you fail.

  • MIDI rocks!

  • The game is not over while there´s at least 2 players awake.

  • If you are the last player awake, there´s always a Super Mario hanging around.

  • It's dangerous to go alone. Bring Mt Dew!

  • Calluses are the only real Power Glove.

  • 8 bits are all you need.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      We have to figure out a way to play some NES over the internet...

    2. http://www.virtualnes.com/index.html

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      I knew about the site, but can we use it over the net?
      If so, let´s schedule it for one of these weekends.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Excellent list, fellas. Love the shirt. Where have I seen that before?

      Midi music does indeed rock. Here's a site with TONS of NES music. I highly reccommend the Mega Man III soundtrack.

    5. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Excellent list, fellas. Love the shirt. Where have I seen that before?

      Midi music does indeed rock. Here's a site (http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/index-classic.html) with TONS of NES music. I highly reccommend the Mega Man III soundtrack.

    6. Ando-

      Did you click the T-Shirt pic?

    7. Anonymous2:55 PM

      good picture!


    8. Anonymous10:06 AM


      What a Cheater...

    9. That last comment cracks me up! They don't get it huh?

    10. Anonymous -

      I AM Fusion Ring. And yes... I'm also a cheater

    11. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Watch out this could turn into a tshirt buying spree!
