SysAdmin Day

Syadmin Appreciation Day is tomorrow, July 27th. Now I know you are all the type of users who go out of your way to always thank your System and Network Administrators for all the hard work they've done throughout the year. Additionally I'm sure you've already planned something special for that individual.

I know what I'm getting from my users already. Squat! I never see someone at my office door unless it's to say,

"Something is wrong, and we've all decided you're to blame."

"What! I've been working tirelessly for you people all year. Why are you blaming me."

"It was Fred's idea, but we all agreed. We don't actually care if it's your fault. You've been elected to fix it."

"I see.."

"And when it's fixed we've decided to say 'It's about time' instead of 'Thanks'."

"Ah. So just another day in paradise eh?"

So be kind, at least one day a year to your local Administrator. Smile, tell them you appreciate them and then, Only after that, can you feel free to knock them down a rung or two!


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    So does the amount of comments on this particular blog give you the idea of how many people love their sys admin????????????

  2. Missy-

    Ah... I feel all sticky inside now! Thanks! :)
