
It happened. sometime between Friday night and Sunday morning. I torn my jeans. Right on the left knee. I had no choice I had to wear them to work, as they are currently the only pair of pants that fit me. So there I am, at work. I have a professional job and while I'm not required to wear slacks or a tie, I always try to maintain a clean and neat appearance.

A tear in your jeans cancels out any plus you would have received from a clean, pressed, tucked in dress shirt. I'm having flashbacks to high school. There were days that I was begging my pants to tear, willing them to rip. In high school a few well placed holes were the desire of everyone I knew.

It meant that your parents didn't love you enough to care what you were wearing. It meant you didn't love yourself enough to care what your parents thought. It meant that you, and your torn pants, couldn't be loved. It meant you were a tortured soul living in a world you couldn't understand, a world that refused to understand you. It meant, you were cool.

It probably didn't help that I graduated high school at the hight of the grunge era and no one, I repeat no one, looked grungy in neat, clean, whole pants. Luckily I grew up and shed my mindless jean tearing ambitions to the wayside. You laugh but there are still plenty of 'cool' people running around begging for holes in their pants. I now see that we were right all along. I totally don't understand them.

So here I am a professional in grunge attire. Trying not to look too cool for my geek image. All in all I believe it's a task that I'm more than up to. It's funny when you think about it though, because the hole is the same as it was ten years ago, just a rip in the denim at the knee. It's only my perspective that's changed.


  1. And now it is very difficult to find any clothing that is not ripped or has not been washed about 10000 times so that it looks old. I now have to ask people if the hat they are wearing is old or new because they look the same. Unbelievable!!!!

  2. I was going to say exactly what JCrew said - it is hard to find jeans these days that aren't ripped in some fashion. Your jeans are technically "in" style!

  3. J crew, you better not be bashing on my Bubba hat!

    Way to go, Kludge! Stick it to the man. Make them look at your insides to see the real you, not your attire. FIght the power!

  4. J Crew & SJ-

    How odd, for one of the first times in my life...I might actually be in style. I'm so not happy.

  5. Ando-

    I want to *be* the man someday...

  6. I straight up bashing your hat dude.
