Bad Driver

I have now been driving for almost 14 years. (Having just worked out this figure made all the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.) In that time I've yet to be the cause of an accident, though I have been hit a couple of times. So when someone asks me "Are you a good driver?" I generally say, "Yes. I think so."

Over the last few weeks I've been wondering if this track record was just due to pure luck and not my superlative powers of vehicular agility and wheel control. I think I might be a bad driver. This is not a realization anyone wants to come to on their own. I've always just dismissed my driving mistakes by stating that I was an aggressive driver sometimes and just needed to relax.

There are only so many mistakes you can make in a ten minute trip when this excuse no longer works. After the twenty-seventh time with nearly eight minutes ahead of you, it's time to really stop and take a second look at your driving.

"Maybe I'm part of the problem. Is it possible that maybe I'm the reason many people don't like to drive on the state highways anymore? Maybe tailgating semi trucks, passing on one lane roads and running over old people in the crosswalks is not permitted in the driver handbook? Maybe I should slow down to only twenty miles over the speed limit."

If after this look you come to the conclusion that yes, I'm a bad driver, what can you do? There are many steps that you can take to curb your dire driving tendencies.

First you can drive slower. You can be a more defensive driver and be more aware. Additionally you can start to be more courteous to other drivers on the road. You know, you are not the only driver on the road.

If you're like me, and after reading that, your stomached turned, then just forget the whole thing. If it turns out the only way to solve the problem is to be a slower nicer sissy driver, than it's just not worth your time. Who wants to be late anyway?


  1. I agree. I know I don't like to be late

  2. "Deep down, inside the heart of every man, woman, boy, and girl, we all believe we are above-average drivers."

  3. I thought I was a great driver until I ran over a ladder in an ambulance and broke the drive shaft. Then I hit a BMW (brand new one at that) that pulled in front of me also when driving the ambulance. After I no longer worked for the company b/c I cost them too much money when I was driving I started to doubt my driving skills. Fortunately, no more accidents but I have come close.

  4. J Crew-

    You agree I'm a bad driver? That's real nice! Well then I'll remember to ride your bumper and honk my horn the next time I'm following you in my truck! :)

  5. Jason-

    Absolutely! Since this can't be so, everyone else must be lying!

  6. Sarah-

    Ah. Well that seems like it would be a good wake up call. For the record... were these collisions before or after you reached your dispatch?

    I suppose if I ever was hit, I would want it to be by an ambulance with an emergency response team!

  7. I have just returned from a vacation that required my driving a great distance over our Interstate and highway systems. Whenever this happens I am always reminded how many people really have no idea how to drive. What part of "Slower traffic keep right" is it that people don't get? Drives me nuts. Because its never me.

  8. I hate being late also, so I sometimes speed. Having kids in the car makes you a little more aware of your driving skills though. Sometimes they are the problem because they are distracting you with their 100 questions and fighting! :) Thank goodness for kid cds. Kids also are a great "holy spirit". They remind you that you aren't supposed to call people jerks or idiots! Nothing like a backseat holy spirit.

  9. Ando-

    I really have to agree. I'm against slow cars in the fast lane, or semis, buses, cops and elderly....

  10. WCS-

    Love our children song cds! There is nothing like a screaming child in my car still 20 minutes from home while I'm singing "The Grand Old Duke Of York" to quell the weeping monster that took over my daughter!

    Hannah just started the mimic phase. I have no idea what is to come...

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I am a great driver right up until someone in the passenger seat screams at me!! As long as no one gets in my way I am very happy, what is the problem?

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Check out, probably one of the largest bad driver sites with reports.
