Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 27

Look It is once again Caption Thursday. Due to last weeks comments I didn't dare skip it again. I tried to find some caption craving captures for today!

Take your pick and caption whichever you prefer. Or try your hand at both! As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

1Here's one to get you started:
"Could this get any worse!! Oh look, a bus is coming..."

Here's one to get you started:
Too bad the TV sank, or this would have been perfect!"

Stuff I've found this week:

Joystick Remote Yes! I totally want one!

Acrobots Wanna blow 5 minutes?! Don't forget to rotate...

Sports Candy Quiz A jock quiz as promised!! I only got #3 and #10 right...


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM


    Do they really hold auditions in the middle of the street?


    See, I told you so!!!!!

    Hey there by the way, how are you? Long time no blog or check. My work has been crazy and I just haven't been in the habit. Must get back into it. Caught up on you, loved your lists! Well, I guess I will be seeing you all soon. TTFN!!!

  2. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Lets see. Where did I go wrong? Lefty loosey, Righty tighty. Yep. That's it! TB

  3. #1
    Well, his wife definitely got him back for leaving her with the laundry, vaccuming, dishes, ect. . .

  4. Missy-

    We're doing good. Patricia and I are very excited about your visit next month! Bring your coat though, as it might only be in the low 90's here!

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I looked at your temperatures and the highs are our lows! I can't wait....
