20 Things I Learned From The Internet

  • You want it, you can find it online.

  • If you don't want it, you can also find it online.

  • It might take a while.

  • Sometimes the hunt is half the fun.

  • Everyone has a website. Grandfathers, mothers and babies. Everyone.

  • At some point, Google became a verb.

  • The difference between web surfing with Firefox and IE is the difference between body armor and a trendy cotton vest.

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  • The Internet is the geeks playground. Here, we rule.

  • Not that you would ever need to know the dietary habits of the South American anteater, but it's comforting to know you could find it online if you did.

  • When in doubt, Wikipedia.

  • Anyone who uses the term 'Interweb' has never been online.

  • Explaining the Internet to someone who's never been online, is like explaining the Magna Carta to your cat.

  • Almost everything of substance can be summed up with a “DUDE! Check this out!' and a hyperlink.

  • Be safe. Be cynical.

  • Some else already said it first. But that doesn't mean it won't be said again, and again...

  • The Internet IS redundancy.

  • There is no such thing as 'sufficient bandwidth'.

  • There's always something new.

  • You can never go back once you've tried it.

  • Feel free to add your own revelations.


    1. Explaining the Internet to someone who's never been online, is like explaining the Magna Carta to your cat.


      And I happen to use the word interweb quite frequently, for the irony of course.

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Great Work :-) I'd translated it to German.

    3. Anonymous10:46 AM

      When in doubt, Wikipedia. :)

    4. I use the term interweb all the time. I love to make fun of senator Ted Stevens

    5. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Very creative post. Thanks for this.

    6. Anonymous12:25 PM

      It is also a series of tubes

    7. Anonymous12:48 PM

      All is true!

    8. Anonymous3:28 PM

      too bad a couple of your comments are incorrect. Everything isn't on the Internet.

    9. If you use Windows, you deserve it...

    10. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Good point of view. It's funny also... :)

    11. Kludge-

      3020 digs and all these new comments. You are blowin up the blogosphere. I don't think I can comment here anymore. You are going global with this baby!!

    12. "If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is."


      "If it sounds to good to be true, it is."

      There's no probably involved here.

    13. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Use too instead of to

    14. WOW!!!

      What a lot of response from a post I just mashed out in a couple of minutes. I'm glad you all liked it.

      For those who didn't... oh well.

      I had to wade through a ton of nasty comments today. Yuck! It seems I learned a new lesson though.

      #21 - On the Intenet you can be as rude as you want to be.

    15. I was going to commet on the line Ando chose, but he obviously beat me to it, so I'll choose this one...

      "When in doubt, Wikipedia." One of my favorite answers to life's questions. We were studying the digestive system last week and Michelle asked a question about water absorption in the large intestine--our science text didn't deal with it specifically so I checked Wikipedia and learned more than I ever wanted to know. Have you ever checked out the "Bristol Stool Chart"?

    16. Jenylu-

      ...No I can say that until today, I have never seen the "Bristol Stool Chart" before.

      Thanks for sharing... I think I'm going to find a corner and be sick in it.


    17. Anonymous1:58 PM

      You should have linked Magna Carta directly to Wikipedia!

    18. Jeff-

      Agreed. I did go there to check my spelling at least!

    19. What about being sarcastic?
      Like: Be Safe, be cynical, be sarcastic?

    20. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Haha these are great.

    21. Anonymous5:12 AM

      One thing's for sure, if you comment on something like you did someone is gonna find something wrong with it, every single time.

    22. Anonymous4:42 PM

      I thought "Wikipedia" was a town in Kansas. TB

    23. Anonymous3:23 AM

      what about "There may be approximately 50% women IRL but on the internet, this drops down to approximately 0%"

      i'm part of the 0 though:P

    24. Are we supposed to guess which is which when it comes to, "The difference between web surfing with Firefox and IE is the difference between body armor and a trendy cotton vest"? I started using Firefox due to better security, availability of useful add-ons, and because I can completely customize it to look exactly how I want. I can even open IE pages inside it. Not sure where you're going with that one, but the comment about Google becoming a verb is great!

    25. Anonymous4:08 PM

      It's not the interweb, it's the information super highway!
