20 Signs You Might Be A Geek

  • You collect funny SPAM messages.

  • You talk to your computers, not because you're bored, but because you're afraid they might be.

  • Your household ratio of computers to humans is at least 4:1.

  • You are completely free of tan lines.

  • When someone says 'organized sports' you think 'LAN party'

  • You have lost most of your social abilities.

  • You never used them anyway.

  • When you must converse with others, you speak a cryptic language of acronyms decipherable only by another geek.

  • No 'warranty seal' is safe in your presence.

  • You have a gigantic box of spare cables that you never use.

  • You could never be convinced to part with it.

  • You want your 21" Trinitron CRT monitor to be buried with you.

  • You understand why '42' and 'AYBABTU' are funny, and still laugh at both.

  • You're afraid of the telephone.

  • You're always free on Friday night. Free to play your favorite MMORPG

  • You consider 'Geek' a complement.

  • Your non geek friends have no idea what you do for a living.

  • Camping in the woods, without electricity, or wireless access is your idea of a nightmare not a vacation.

  • You have over 30 E-mail accounts, and check them all regularly.

  • You understand computers better than people.

    1. 'When you must converse with others, you speak a cryptic language of acronyms decipherable only by another geek'

      One of these days, this will be called modern English. . .the prophecy du jour

    2. Jason-

      I agree. I suppose Geeks and Chemists have this point in common!

      The difference being none of my acronyms are short for living matter...

    3. You have a blog or blogs.

    4. Ando-

      That works with this caveat - "and you update them"

    5. I didn't understand any of the 20. I feel so different... so strange. What is mmorpg stand for?

    6. J Crew-

      Sorry. I lieu of our friends posting on their blogs I was writing post geared to geeks. I seem to be doing a rash of these lately...

      mmorpg = Massively Multilayer Online Role Playing Game eg. EverQuest, WOW...

    7. WOW = World of Warcraft


    8. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Sign 21: Your glasses change color when you go outside.

    9. I'll plead guilty to the following:

      You are completely free of tan lines.

      When someone says 'organized sports' you think 'LAN party'

      When you must converse with others, you speak a cryptic language of acronyms decipherable only by another geek.

      No 'warranty seal' is safe in your presence.

      You have a gigantic box of spare cables that you never use.

      You could never be convinced to part with it.

      You understand why '42' and 'AYBABTU' are funny, and still laugh at both.

      Your non geek friends have no idea what you do for a living.

      You understand computers better than people.

    10. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Thanks for the comment and for the visit.

      Really liked the post ^_^
      Pretty funny indeed.

    11. Anonymous11:25 AM

      You are a self-proclaimed geek, yet you use blogger.com to host your blog. Only a true geek would host his own blog on his web server. I like your site, but the fact that you have turned to corporate america to host your blog is disturbing.

    12. Anonymous-

      Yeah, I suppose...but I'm happy here.

      Blogger can handle my hits and leaves my connection free for other things.

    13. Anonymous11:47 AM

      This is so sad...I work at a computer place ( Just a receptionost mind you ) and I didn't get any of that. I had to have someone explain what all that stuff was. :( After it was explained....Highly amusing.

    14. Anonymous-

      Yeah, Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you liked it. Mostly I try to keep the post pretty non-geeky...

      ...But I had a run of nerd mojo there!

    15. Anonymous1:24 PM

      # You understand why '42' and 'AYBABTU' are funny, and still laugh at both.

      The first time I read this post, I thought of writing the following comment, but I forgot or something.

      Today, a few months later, a co-worker was reading it and had exactly the same reaction for the 42: googling for it.

      So, I guess you could add: If you don´t understand what one of them means, you google it till you find it.

      That way you won´t be left out of the "geekiness".

      You could also add: "You accept Google as a Deity"

    16. I'd add another to the end of the list (I know it's only for 20 - but what the heck..)

      You spend half of your workday staring at the monitor chuckling to yourself (obviously not staring at your work - in that case you had better find something new to do).

    17. Anonymous10:15 AM

      The nice one on blogger.com is that I get all things in German over here. Anyway, I'd add (23!): Paper news are environmental wastage to you.
      (spelt correctly?)

    18. Anonymous11:44 AM

      chown -R us ./bases

    19. Anonymous11:27 PM

      "Anonymous said...
      You are a self-proclaimed geek, yet you use blogger.com to host your blog. Only a true geek would host his own blog on his web server. I like your site, but the fact that you have turned to corporate america to host your blog is disturbing."

      How can you say it is disturbing when your using the same website for entertainment...lol.

    20. Hehehe, cool list. I enjoyed it. My favourite v-day poem:
      Roses are Red, violets are blue...
      All my base, are, belong to you...

    21. you laugh hysterically when you read something and immediately translate it from HEX in your head only to find significance in the number.

    22. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Sign 22: Your still in school and u no more than the ppl at the Apple Genius Bar - and ur school's IT guy. :P

    23. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Yay! 42!
      I wonder if the govt. would spend so much on high-tech stuff if they knew that geniuses can spend hours on "What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9" . . .

    24. Anonymous12:33 PM

      I'm not a geek, I dated one and he lives with his parents in their basement with all types of computer parts and a dog. He never really cared for good hygiene or doing anything outside the Cubicle. So...I love Geeks but you gotta love nature too.

    25. then theres those really annoying geeks who tick off their friends at the gym with geek commentary and tick off their geek coworkers with talk of their 5k and 10k runs and mud runs and stuff. this geek fits no mold. im just odd.
