Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 17

I was going to play the why game this morning, but it seems that I've run dry. I poured all my creativity into a the caffeine pants post yesterday and nothing was left for this morning. I tried to turn on the funny faucet and I just got a

It is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption. It's a bit grim, but I like to believe everyone was okay.

As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's one to get you started!:
Bus driver's first day with his new iPod!

Stuff I found this week:

Thanks to Puddleglum for this cool link! Chimpage Generators
Be sure to let us know what you come up with!

Black and White Twins Believe it or not!

Roomba like Lawnmower! - Sweet!


  1. Taking the stairs is good for your health...usually!

  2. Secret Society: Holy Monks of the Clinically Insane Overpaid Architects.

    The have a very nice meeting hall!

  3. I saw the General Lee make this jump once and I thought I could too.

  4. The final scene from Speed 3.

  5. Being a huge fan of the Roomba, I would totally buy that lawnmower...if I had a lawn. And $1500.

  6. Our first stop on the tour ladies and gentlemen: to your left you will see everyone looking at us wondering what we are doing. On your right - - - same thing!

  7. Ando-

    I agree I would love this. I DO have a lawn, but cannot justify 1500...

    ...not yet.

  8. I want that Roomba desperately.

  9. This could compare to one of your previous posts on computer rebelion. Suddenly this Bus wanted to ba an escalator.
