Lazy Thursday Blues: Why Game

Welcome to another edition of the Lazy Thursdays Blues. The Caption game has been going rather well. I have been stocking up on caption pictures and always enjoy seeing everyones creativity!

Today I thought I'd try something else. It should be pretty simple and possibly fun. I call it the Why Game. This isn't like that annoying game you play with a six year-old. Instead I will pose a question and you will give me an answer. The answer can be ridiculous, funny, serious or. whatever. If you know the real answer, post it, if not just have fun. The only real rules are these two:

1. As always, keep it clean.

2. No looking up the real answer.

So let's give it a try! Remember this is less an exercise of WHAT you know but more in your wit or creativity!

"Why do men have decorative buttons on their dress coat sleeves?"

Here's one to get you started

Thought up by women, they serve as a painful reminder to men who ignore tact and wipe their mouths in nice resturants, with their sleeves, instead of their napkins.


  1. Thought up by women to get back at them for putting stupid (& deceptive) pocket flaps on women's jackets which have no actual pockets!

  2. To take the attention away from their face

  3. They're vestigial.

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Actually you were pretty close with the wiping of the face. They were put on uniforms to stop men from wiping their noses on their sleeves, which is way worse than the wiping of the mouth!


  5. Roberta-

    I agree! That is a dirty trick, and I guess it says that women can't be trusted with pockets. I'm not sure why?

  6. J Crew-
    Which is why all my buttons are quite flashy!

  7. Ando-

    I would concur, but if they are vestigial either they were once useful or will one day become udeful.

    Which do you suppose?

  8. Simple. Men are too lazy to accessorize unless it's sewn onto their clothing.

  9. They're vestigial.

  10. Ando-

    I feel we have been down this road before...

    Your liberal use of that adjective is enlightening. Thank you.

  11. Boston Love-

    No doubt! Again, why do women keep making us go to nice places?

  12. Blame Napoleon,(Bonaparte-not Dynamite.) He put them on the uniforms to keep his troops from wiping their noses on their sleeves.

    And now, like Ando said, they're vestigial.

  13. Jason-

    That's two for the nose wipers. I suppose I will have to it more credence.

    And yes I agree..."They're vestigial!!!" :)

  14. Thanks everyone for playing!

    I'll probably give this game another try again soon...
