
I'm contemplating the demise of Legal Addictive Stimulants...

...Would anyone notice? I had a notion to maybe give one last try with it, but maybe it's not worth my time. Please take a moment or two and share your opinion if you are so inclined.

Thank you for your continued patronage.

Editor and Chief


  1. Two blogs are hard. I say give it up and use those ideas on Kludgespot and spend more time updating the daughters blog... hint hint

  2. I can't be a hypocrite here because I haven't updated Sue's blog since I started working in SF. But I always love seeing new pictures of my nieces. Although, I enjoyed legal stimulants also!

  3. I enjoy Kludgespot quite a bit, there's no need for you to have a second blog. I agree with JCrew use your ideas for LAS on this blog because I did enjoy those articles as well.

  4. I think I agree with everyone...

    I posted on LAS, but I think I should have just left it on kludgespot...

    I guess I'll just let it stand, and fade into obscurity....

  5. Lol. I thought it was already closed.

    Uh, I think you should keep it.

  6. Yea...

    It has been dormant for a while now.

    I don't know if I can manage two blogs...
