Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 10

It is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption.

As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's the one to get it started:

Okay fellas I'm sorry! Listen what do you say three Big Mac for $1, and we forget the whole thing? Fellas?

Two Funny Japanese McDonald's Ads...

Ad # 1

Ad # 2

This ended up in my search somehow...So I added it...


  1. With Batman's help, the true identity of The Joker has been revealed.

  2. "Honest guys, I didn't know about the ban in New York! I'll never deep fry in transfats again! I bet you're not over at Joes Donut Hut are you. He just got a delivery of the hydroginated stuff this morning!"

  3. With the town trying to promote healthy eating for kids, we have replaced the "sit next to Ronald McDonald bench" with a huge fiberglass Bobby McBroccoli bench.

  4. News Bulliten: Ronald McDonald keeps the stripes but substitutes the golden arches for iron bars.

  5. Jen Bauer says, "I don't like Ronald McDonald. He looks too much like a clown."

    The Mario Bros. video is the best ever!

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Well it's about time you found me, wait a minute I think I dropped my french fries, they're right there next to your foot, don't step on them!!

  7. It was the HAMBURGLAR! I'm telling you I didn't do it!

  8. Hey guys, gimme' a break, at least no one got e-coli eating at the golden arches.
