Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 5

I've really been enjoying everyones creativity with the captions. So this week it is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption.

As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's the one to get it started:

Jefferson? Bob Jefferson? Nope, never heard of him.

Stuff I've found this week.

Wooly Willy Online. That's right, you can now adorn Wooly Willy with hair without the stigma of carting around a childs toy. I made a photobucket account for anyone who would like to share their creations. Just capture a the snapshot, save it as an image then you can upload it to photobucket username: kludgespot password: password.

Someone sent this to me... It's a new classic.

Here's a funny little take on Numbers 21 over at Puddleglum's Wigwam. Snakes on a Plain

Thanks to a link from I saw this amazing video! It's a little long, but very cool/funny/odd. Apartment Drummers


  1. Where's that fork like thing you normally carry around?

  2. Okay, let me tell you the story again. No, I didn't die when the car hit me. Geez, just leave me alone!

  3. Do I look like a Hobbit to you?

  4. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.

  5. Excuse me, do you have the DIE!


    I won't lie to you. It's for beer.


    Seriously, I was kidding. I'm terribly sorry. There must have been a mix up. I'm sure you have many good years left. Are you going to kick me?

  6. So, are you dressing up this year for Halloween?

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    You take the #2 to downtown and then you get a transfer to the #666.....

    I read your black and white fever, isn't it great when you really aren't doing somthing so bad and you feel like such a criminal. After my mother in law died, we had a road trip and I was trying to hurry back to the airport, after the car breaking down in Mexico, three hours to get out of there. I got pulled over for 26!!!mph over the limit. That is a felony ticket and no proof of ins. I fell apart, starting making sounds only dogs could hear and the cop didn't know what to do. Jen had to talk for me. After Joe drove by with the other car on the back of a tow truck, he only sited me for 15 over, misdemeanor. Didn't do traffic school and am paying through the nose for ins!!! Now I break out in cold sweat if I see a black and white anywhere.

  8. Mr. Kludge,

    The Apartment Drummers are beyond bizaar. Remind me never to lease in Stockholm.

  9. "For the last time, this IS my wedding ring and you CAN'T put it in the fire!"

  10. Missy-

    That story is unreal! I'm glad he gave you a break! I cleary wouln't make a good cop. I would have just walked away if some broke down like that on me!

  11. Jason-
    Glad you liked it! I've watched it like 5 times now. I have trouble with a favorite scene, maybe the restroom, or just the sweaky toy bits!

  12. I'm looking for an apprentice. Would you be interested?

  13. "Man I hope there are enough seats on the bus so I don't have to sit by that guy, I always get stuck by the weirdos!"


    "Hmmm, I didn't know men wore burkas."

  14. smile your on candid camera!!
