I know, I know... three posts in one day!

I'm sitting here writing scripts and waiting for errors to come back, its very dull, and gives me lots of bored waiting periods....

SO I found this band* that has two of the coolest videos I've seen in a long time. Enjoy.

The first one is AWESOME

The second one is fun

*I know nothing about the band, their music, lyrics, or them personaly. If they're a bunch of offensive jerks let me know, I'd appreciate it.


  1. Peter, peter, peter...of all people, I never thought it would be you to so blatantly plagerize anothers post. Not more than a few months ago I posted a link to the very OKGO video you have here. This is truly a disturbing moment for me. It may take me some time to recover. I've never felt so betrayed. Me, who blazed the trail for all PIC bloggers, stabbed in the back by you, one of my closest and dearest proteges. It cuts me to the quick. I only hope that we can somehow work out this issue and still remain as close as we once were. [sigh]

    Actually, I've just been away so long, I've missed harassing you. It's good to be home.

  2. I was watching the movies at work and so had no sound. I'm sure it's much better with that. My co-workers saw me watching it and started laughing b/c they had no idea what it was. Very funny though.

  3. These were great - very cool and made me laugh!

  4. Ando

    Wow. That must have been a memorable post.

    Apparently theft is the only way to get you to read my blog.

    As far as the badgering...I've missed it too.

  5. Hey, I read your blog everyday when I'm not out of the country. How could I not. Everyone loves the Kludge Spot.

  6. Ando-

    I really don't recall, and I hadn't seen the video before. Sorry about that.

    I guessing it was with the 'chilax' video, and I never got past that one.

  7. I don't care actually. Just being difficult.

  8. Impressed at your adpetness of this skill. I accually was beginning to worry about the post.


  9. Muahahahahahah!
