Lazy Thursdays Blues: Movie Day Reprise

Okay now that we all got the hang of the game from last week lets try it again.

I'll start the game with a quote from a movie. Whoever knows it can respond, with the movie it's from. Additionally add a new movie quote in your comment This continues till we all get stumped or bored.

Only two little rules
1.) No R or greater movies
2.) No cussing

"Daddy, I got cider in my ear"

For those of you that just come to point and click... Here are two campingcentric videos.

1 - How I want my tent setup to be.

2 - The more likely turnout.


  1. No clue on the movie but I love the videos. Our tent is almost as easy as the first video but I have felt like the guy in the 2nd video once too often.

  2. I worried about the quote... I'll give it till 10:00 then change it to something else.

    Last year Patricia bought really easy pop-up tents. Josh and Christine and her folks got the same tents. The funny part was that two days into the trip they all just fell apart, pop, pop, pop. It was a gas!

  3. Hey Peter... I have no idea about the quote, but I'll try back after 10:00! My quote was much easier huh? Don't you think I changed it up enough to avoid a lawsuit?

  4. I hope that our tent is like the first and not the second, but with me and the wife, you never know. As for the quote, I'm stumped currently.

  5. J Crew-

    I wish that first tent was bigger... I'd pickone up in a heartbeart.

    As for the movie quotes...the first one was from "Inner Space". As for this one, I'll stick it out and maybe someone will get it.

  6. "Guys & Dolls"

    "I'm not happy Bob, not happy"

  7. j Crew-

    Are you sure?

    "I'd like to help you but I can't. I'd like to tell you to take that claim..."

  8. Nice work. My bad. The Incredibles. Thanks Kludge.

    "That makes me happier than a tornado in a trailer park."

  9. I'm pretty sure Josh's quote is from Hoosiers! Appropriate that I would get it eh? If I am right then here is my movie quote...

    "Avenge me boys!" (I know it's so easy, but it's oft quoted in my home, so I had to use it!)

  10. I was referring to Josh's first quote, but I didn't get it in quick enough.

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    It still stands June... Your quote is now in play

    deleted comment for review

    Is that from What about Bob. I might need some verification, but if it is then here is mine,

    Alright, were gonna run the picket fence at em. Merle, you're too the left. Jimmy, you solo to the right. Now Merle's gonna swingin' around the end of that fence. Now boys, don't get caught watchin' the paint dry.

  12. Red Dawn I think... though I've never accually see the flick.

    "Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play..."

  13. Yes, that is Red Dawn, but she broke the rules. R RATED!

    I have no idea what yours is.

  14. Wrong Andy! I am looking at the Red Dawn dvd case as we speak (although I'm embarrassed to admit we own it--blame my husband!) It is rated PG-13 my friend!

  15. Wow... Ando... I'm ashamed of you for not knowing this one...Google it then sit down and think about what you've done.

  16. Kludge,

    I am so bummed that I didn't get to check this earlier and get in on the fun - I actually knew the Guys and Dolls one - we did the musical when I was in High School. At least for my own satisfaction I knew one.

    As for the tent thing - I would probably for sure be the second video - no matter how easy my tent might be to put up.

  17. I stand corrected. Not only is it PG-13, but was the first movie released with such a rating. Live and learn.

  18. Gosh I just don't see enough movies to play this game! I did recognize the Incredibles one though.

    That second tent video reminded me of a camping trip we took growing up when my mom forgot to pack the tent poles! My dad had to tie our tent up to the trees--it wasn't pretty.

  19. Okay, Johnny helped me out here, if he's right it's from "The Goonies".

    Just in case he's right, here's the new quote:
    "Okay, first of all it's cretin. If you're going to threaten me, do it properly."

  20. Ahhh, a movie I have been privileged to watch, oh perhaps 10 times or so... Monster's Inc. I'm pretty good in the Pixar department!

    New quote:
    "Do the chickens have large talons?"

  21. Napoleon Dynamite - - - not my favorite movie, but got to watch is mutliple times due to my brother and then my husband likes it.

    New Quote: "You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper."

  22. The professor in new Narnia Moive

    "Oh, Mortimer, don't be so inquisitive. The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it."

  23. You're probably not playing the game any more, but I know that one! It's tradition in our house to watch it every October (much to my husband's chagrin!). And here's a piece of trivia for ya: one of my fave lines, "I'm not really a Brewster. I'm a son of a sea cook!" was changed from the more risque line in the play, "Darling, I'm a bastard!"

  24. Were playing till we stop...whenever that might be.

    Yes, I love that movie, and I can see why they changed it. A personaly like the change, as it's such a fuuny line.

    Roberta... what's your quote?

  25. Okay, here's a good one (or, more acurately, a couple of lines since it's probably a little obscure...) from one of my alltime favorites:

    "Like the band playing on as the Titanic sank!" "My dad was nearly on the Titanic." "I think he can hear better than I can!"

  26. Pardon my ignorance, what was the answer to the Mortimer line?

  27. Ando-

    Sorry bout that... The movies was "Arsenic and Old Lace." And one of many Cary Grant greats!

  28. Roberta,

    I am thinking the movie is Noises Off! Hope that it is right (if I am wrong I appologize)- - - ok here is my new quote from one of my favorite movies:

    "What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary."

  29. Ooooh, ooooH I know it, I know it... It's a Wonderful Life! We have just Tivo-ed a whole slew of Jimmy Stewart movies. Jeff is presently trying to get me to watch Shenendoah with him, but I refuse... makes me cry!

    New quote:
    "She looks like my third grade teacher, and I hated my third grade teacher...wait a minute, she is my third grade teacher!"

  30. I know this one - another of my favs - Sleepless in Seattle :):):)

    Ok - so here is my quote:

    "I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do! I do! I do! I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do! I do! I do! I do! "

  31. Wizard of Oz

    "I think I'll all on call on Ives"

  32. Ahhh, I know my husband much too well! Another movie I probably would have never watched if it wasn't for him, yet actually liked... The Great Escape!

    New Quote:

    "Anybody want a peanut?"

  33. The Princess Bride - a great movie

    New Quote: "This is my corn. You people are guests in my corn. "

  34. Field of Dreams (there are two kinds of people, those who love Feild of Dreams and those who have no heart)

    I may be on the devil's hit-list, but I'm on God's mailing list.

  35. Was that a movie quote, or just a pearl of wisdom?

  36. I cheated and looked it up...

    It's a movie quote.

  37. Okay, Jeff said it really wasn't fair of me to guess his since I'm well aware of what he has recently been watching, but since no one else seems to know, I'm going to go ahead so we can move the game along.... it's the Apostle!

    New Quote: (and you all know mine are pretty easy!)

    "These mashed potatoes are so creamy!"

  38. While you were Sleeping

    This might be a stumper...

    "There should be such a thing as being too proud to knit"

    Hint - Tyrone Power and Don Ameche
