Lazy Thursday Blues: Take 11

  • Personal Map What percent of the US have you seen? There is a world one too.

  • Keep your Dew Cold At all night LAN parties. Not that it sits open long enough to warm up...

  • Uh... Okay, that's odd.

  • Settlers of Catan Quiz Any junkies care to test thier knowledge? I'm a dunce apparently.

  • Oregon Trail Original Oregon Trail Game! I had to play in IE, not sure about MAC's


  1. Visited 34 states (66%) - not too shabby!

  2. Link to it. I'd like to see what states!

    Much more that me... The map just laughed at me...
    USA Map

  3. I've only visited 10 states, which is 19% and I am asking for the USB soda cooler for Christmas for sure. I will probably not try the Microsoft soft drink as I will probably get some sort of virus or spyware in me and I will have to reboot myself or strip the hardrive which I am trying to avoid :)

  4. J Crew-

    That's hysterical! I'm sure I wouldn't want my harddrive striped either.

  5. Clarification: Does being in the airport of a city in a state qualify for visiting a state? If so I think I can add Utah to my list....

  6. Jeremy-

    Every contact with the earth in that state counts.

    You've seen much more of our country than I have. Additionaly my Texas and Maryland checks, were only one city, one night each. Is Hawaii trump in this deck?

  7. WOW!

    I need to get out more...

    Favorite state?

  8. I have visited 29 states, 56%. Not too bad - a few less than my husband, but still quite a few. There are still a few I would really like to go to - in time I guess.

  9. Sj -

    Thats a lot of places, and quite a few more than me!

    Wheres the link?!

  10. Ok - well here is the deal - I am still learning and don't know how to post the link - if Jeremy or someone can help I will post it - I tried earlier but didn't get it to work.

  11. SJ-

    I'm stepping off it. :)

  12. Hey Kludge, i got an 80% on the Catan quiz. Looks like i need to play more to increase my knowledge.

  13. Brian-

    Yours looks like a pretty good score to me! I'm an idoit and only scored 50%... Either way more play time is always encourged!

  14. Jeremy just took the quiz and scored a 70%. I on the other hand didn't do so hot - I had a huge 40%. All this means is we must play MORE :):):)
