RSS recant

To the RSS subscribers. I'm sorry but I have to put my foot down. I'm done with the syndication. I write this blog for two reasons.

1- I have a head full of nonsense and it must come out.

2- I enjoy interaction, and believe that is the difference between a static website and a dynamic blog.

I'm afraid all you e-agoraphobics are going to have to get over it. I know you want the world in a neat little box called an RSS reader, but my world isn't like that. I refuse to be in your box. Things are always changing, either you'll have to rejoin the web world and actually visit sites or you'll miss out. If you don't want anymore inane babble about nothingness, awkward moments, or fun links on Thursdays I understand. I'm not going to pretend this site is amazing, I'm just not happy with pumping this stuff out to the Ether, without knowing who's reading it. I'll be here if you need me, but I won't be hurt if you decide not to visit. I don't really know you now anyway.

This will be the last Kludge Spot RSS... Sorry.



  1. Ouch. Sounds like Big Brother has a bee in his bonnet.

  2. It's not a matter of being laze or controlling, it's a matter of I just don't think to check it unless I see it pop up with a little number 1 next to it. I am sorry that I will lose out on the stories and such but I guess it was just never meant to be...

  3. and it seems i can't spell either. That should read lazy, not laze :D

  4. Ando- yes, it's because I'm a control freak. I've always been like this.

    Chris- I understand, and I'm sorry. It's like the internet version of tough love.

    Your welcome to stop by, I'll be here pumping out my inferior products to the web.

  5. Really -

    Someone who reads an RSS would not see all this! Frequently comments are more fun then the original post. All that fun just bypassed...How sad.

    I suddenly feel like a communist. Do it because its good for you! Have fun or else! Come and interact on the peoples blog.

  6. Kludge,

    I could not agree with you more!!!!! To really enjoy a blog, you have to read the comments as well. I think that is part of what I love about blogging - the interaction between people over big topics or even topics of "nothingness." I have no clue what an RSS is and had to ask Jeremy. (Tells how "technological I am) You are so right - if they don't want to take the time to check the site, enjoy the comments and share in the fun, bummer for them. (I have probably just thrown Jeremy under the bus with this comment, but he will understand)

  7. Preach it Sister!

    Jeremy and Patricia can comiserate, I'm always "throwing her under the bus"*

    *to sacrifice some other person, usually one who is undeserving or at least vulnerable.

  8. I so disagree that you are missing half the fun by not reading comments. I love just reading the posts done by others as it gives me insight into who they really are. Something really has to move me to make a trip to the site to make a comment, other wise just reading the story is fine with me. To just cut people off seems harsh is all I guess I'm saying. I am just absent minded when it comes to seeing others blogs and having the rss reader allows me the reminder to read so I don't miss out. But to me a blog is not about the comments, it's about the content.

  9. What I have found though is that the interaction between people gives me insight into a lot of people and generally can entertain me more than the actual post - I guess it is a personal opinion. For me also, sometimes the comments clarify something I was unsure of when I read the blog - for instance, on a few blogs, I had totally misunderstood what they were saying in the post until I read comments posted by others and the responses by that person.

    Jeremy likes the RSS reader to, as a reminder, but he does check comments when I "remind" him to or ask him to (and sometimes on his own) - I guess I am kind of a like Jeremy's human "RSS" - the funny part of this to me is that I still don't completely understand what an RSS is - I just love reading the blogs of people in our group - I told Jeremy it is like my "daily newspaper" - - so if you were to use it or not, would not bother me. I do think comments add though - :):) Like I said, it is personal preference I suppose.

  10. I have one question, what the heck are we talking about here? Rous's, I don't believe the really exist.

  11. I'd like to go on record that I use an RSS reader AND I read comments. That is all.

  12. That is awesome - I am all for RSS - I just think comments are important too - good job Ando!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I don't know how blogger works, specifically, but with wordpress I know it is possible to RSS just that there IS a post, without feeding the entire post. I suggest that option as a possible way to placate those who like RSS without letting them fail to show up at your site and read all the lovely comments. (I also find that the comment strings can be some of the most interesting bits of a website.)

    Personally, I use RSS but I don't read in the reader. I just use it to make sure I visit all the blogs I read. Some people just read far too many blogs for their own good (*hand raised*).

  14. Thanks Dinane-

    Thats totally what I need. I found the blogger equivilant and it will push out 255 char or the 1st paragraph, whichever is shorter...

    Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly...

  15. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Glad I could be of a little assistance.

  16. I'm with dinane. I simply use the reader to alert me to a new post, but I actually go to the site to read it. Did I say that already? Oh well.
