It's a Beautiful Day

“Joan,” the newsman beams, “It’s going to be a beautiful day! Temperatures in the 100’s. People’s pets are catching on fire and little Johnny’s burned to a pile of cinders! I can’t stop smiling as I sit here in the TV studios and tell you tomorrow is going to be another blistering day of sun, sun sun! Back to you Joan!”

Why is heatstroke such a joke to the news anchors? Why can’t we have a nice day in Santa Rosa without the death rays from Sol beating down on us? I think a nice day is 75 to 80 degrees, a nice breeze and twelve cold Mt Dew. Not sweating my life out into my cars upholstery.

I don’t think it’s any hotter than it was this time last year. Though it is hard to remember that after 11 ½ months go by. We had 100+ weather in July last year, and I’m sure I was equally unhappy about it. I don’t believe in global warming, even if Al Gore does say so. I don’t trust ex-vice president Gore on what he had for breakfast, much less global climate change. Either way I’m not fond of the heat, and today was no exception.

We were supposed to go to Marine World today. I worked hard to juggle my time around to get the hours together to have a day off. I could have taken in some coasters, and we could have seen some animals too, I suppose. Due to the heat, plans were changed. Vallejo isn’t the place to go to escape the heat. Anyway I resented the heat for it. I don’t approve of anything, nature or otherwise, cutting in on my roller coaster time.

Patricia and I took the girls to the San Francisco Zoo instead. The temperature in San Francisco was about 30 degrees cooler. We ate hamburgers, onion rings and churros. We listened to the sound of birds chirping, tigers roaring, and children screaming. We sweated like pigs in the reptile house and listened to George M. Cohan as we rode the carousel. The zoo was great, the girls did fabulously. We stayed cool, even if there weren’t any roller coasters.

So I guess the newsman was right along. It was a beautiful day.


  1. Sounds like a fabulous day - time with your family, cooler temps (yea!) and churros - it doesn't get better!

  2. Word to the wise:

    Penguins smell bad. I don't know why, but eat your churro some place else. It will make it much more enjoyable.

  3. That's a cute picture of you and Hannah, where's one of Alexis and me :)

  4. I think she means the monkey's Peter. That is not very nice, but you could get her back.

  5. Accually I got her back eight years ago, when we got married, she's been trying to top it ever since.

  6. I'm so glad other people don't like the heat. I hear so many people saying, "Oh I can't wait untill it gets hot". WHY! You just like being sweaty and stinky? I never got that!
