Bumper Stickers

I have been thinking about doing this for years. I have a number of ideas for bumperstickers and mostly they've just been in my head. Through the magic of the internet, I can design them and sell them. here are my first two. Bumper Stickers

Let me know what you think.


  1. I gotta say I like the laundry one. Down with laundry!

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I love the laundry one!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might have to have one of those!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Am I dumb? Cause I only see one bumper sticker idea... can I have another please?

  4. Due to the joys of free cafe press, if I want two different logos on one item, I have to open a second online store... it's not important. Here's number two!

  5. The laundry one is better than the other, but they are both good.

  6. I have to agree. I prefer the laundry one.

    I just hate those I heart my car, and I heart my city, and I heart my dog, bumperstickers.

    They seem silly.

  7. I don't get it. Am I missing some reason why that laundry one is funny?

  8. Don't get the laundry joke? That fine. Humor is subjective. it just seems to me that laundry is eternal, I thought it would be nice if some took up the cause for empy laundry baskets. Like stop the violence!
