Magic Eyes

Some extra fun for a lazy Thursday afternoon...

If you were breathing in the 90's you remember Magic Eyes! I forgot how cool these were... I found a bunch online and posted them, Click on each to get a larger sized image.

If you don't remember, look at the picture and let it go out of focus, the trick is it only works when your depth perception isn't focused. You will see a 3D image in the flat picture, the longer you stare the more into focus the "hidden" picture comes. Be the first to post a comment with all the hidden pictures and you get bragging rights.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    1) dolphins
    2) turtle
    3) dog faced human holding a cup with the sun in the background
    4) ship maybe? This one wasn't done too well...
    5) plane
    6) trumpet

  2. I love those things. Never could get enough. Thanks man!

  3. That was like light speed! 27 minutes and the games over! Well done Brendan. [hands over gold star for lapel]

  4. Chris -
    no problemo, but here's a eyes hurt...bad... and I can't really see my keyboard anymore.

  5. Peter,

    Thanks for posting these - I love these things!

  6. Stephanie-

    Thanks for stopping by. I used to sit in copperfields for hours going through all these books.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    O.K. I saw them all and I agree with Brendan, the ship was lousy, couldn't really tell if the front of the ship was a dragons head or not and the mast was not connected to the ship. The dog was fair, I couldn't decided whether he was holding a carton of ice cream or a soda can. I like seeing them but it makes my eyes freak out and want to stay relaxed even after I stop looking at them. Your wife couldn't get them in focus and if you really want to toture your father-in-law ask him to see them!

  8. Well done! Welcome to the Blog. I'm pleased you commented here first! I agree the ship was the weakest one, but still fun.

    BTW My wife hasn't been able to focus for the last 21 months.
