Brian Regan

You've probably arrived today looking for a post about the "boycott" on May 1st. We'll your not going to get it! If you haven't come to expect the unexpected it's not my problem. I will say this though, I did some shopping yesterday and was surprised at the difference in the amount of people. I'm not sure if it effected the economy, but it did effect me, the place wasn't half as crowded as normal. It felt like 1989 in Santa Rosa. Anyway, if you boycotted, I hope you accomplished whatever you were striving for. Either way, I'm not going to talk about it, my blood pressure isn't ready for a political post.

Brian Regan is coming to town. If this news doesn't spark a warmth of joy in your heart, then you are uninformed. Well gentle reader, let me enlighten you. Brian Regan is not a stilt walking uncle sam impersonator. Brian Regan is not a St. Bernard juggling fire-eater. Brian Regan is not a banjo strumming Kingston Trio member. Brian Regan is not a yodeling tap dancer, or a watermelon smashing fruitcake. Brian Regan is not an MIT professor who will pontificate over the possibility of nanite technology. Brian Regan is not a jazz musician playing on a herd of tuned sheep... I have to admit that last one would be worth buying tickets to. Brian Regan is simply the funniest man alive. "Wow Peter, Id rather see the stilt walker" you say, or "Why am I still reading this?"

Please press on.

Brain Regan was introduced to us by a friend. A friend who in high school won the title of "Will most likely end up driving a mac truck quoting lines from cheap comedians" Shrug... sometimes your classmates now more about you than you think. Anyway After watching the video "I Walked on the Moon" I was hooked. It was what I imagine drug addiction to be like, dry mouth and an uncontrollable urge to have more. My supplier lent me the movie, the CD, and even willingly entertained with a few choice re-enactments. We showed the video and CD to everyone we knew, all the time saying "the first one is free." We recited the lines to any relevant situation. (There is one degree of separation to Brian Regan in the Brown house) Our friends are hooked, my co-workers are Regan Zombies, and still we press on, hoping for more. More is coming.

Brian Regan is coming to our town. he will arrive in Santa Rosa on August 11th and put us all in stitches, give us some new material. The only issue is, the date isn't on his tour list. I'm plagued with worries that I bought $70 worth of tickets for a Brian Regan who will perform his engaging one man show "Me and My Bearded Shepard". Anyway I have to just shake it off, soon it will be August 12th and after a few day I'll get that dry mouthed obsession for a little dose of something new.

Clicking on Brian's pic will take you to his media page... Try the "Consession Standup - Dounut" bit.


  1. He is the funniest human on the planet. My favorite bit is the entire flying bit. It's classic.
    "You let us know when you're done, Captain You Planet."

  2. I laughed out loud at the "Santa Rosa in 1989" line. Good stuff. Can't wait for BR to come to town. He is indeed a laugh a, laugh a, laugh a, wait...................

  3. Ping-
    You have re-appeared, thanks for contributing to this little slice of insanity. I never thought about touching a bald cat before. "Thank you so much for comming"
