
Well, I've done it again. I've gone and gotten sunburn. I was up on a roof installing a wireless bridge for one of my sites, and didn't even consider the sun. I came home and realized how hot I was. I have this habit of believing that I tan, because I used to. When I was a kid growing up in Santa Monica I was brown all summer. Being part French I do tan well, but not a flash tan, not see thru white to brown. Its a funny thing about perception. I will still tell people, if they ask, that I tan and not that I've burned myself to a crispy red slice of bacon these last two times.

I have to say it's not as bad as the last time. The last sunburn I had was at a Giants game in the bleachers. Now mind you, I HAD suntan lotion, but I didn't want to put it on because I didn't want to look like a greasy fool. So I sat in the bleachers for 9 innings and endured the drunk, cat calling, yelling, garlic breathed, unwashed, over important fans, and general joy that is the bleachers. I learned from one stammering drunk with an inverted baseball cap, that 25% of the games are won by the fans. (I've been waiting for that question to pop up in a Trival Pursuit game) The Giants were schooled but the Cubs, and I was schooled by the sun on what a fool really looked like.

I didn't notice it till we were all in the car driving home and I was shouting bleacher calls to the pedestrians on the San Francisco sidewalk. I turned to one of my fellow passengers and told him that my lips felt chapped. I was informed that my face was chapped. It took two weeks before I finally pulled a lizard and was back to pasty geek white. I felt like this melting ice cream cone. What a day! This was also the day I tried to jump on my car as it flew down Old Redwood Hwy... but that's a totaly different story and I've sworn a vow of silence.

(Do you like the ice cream cone man? Fabricated from one melting McCone, one plastic bendy straw, one flosting flower holder, and 10 minutes of boredom.)


  1. That was a day to remember. That guy was the greatest heckler of all-time. I think he even heckled himself. Great post Lobster Face!

  2. That was a day that will be permanently etched in my memory. Seeing you run down a busy street and almost catch up to your SUV was histerical. I feel like we all bonded and have grown closer together as a result of that experience and... trust me on the sunscreen

  3. 42 is the answer you seek. Bask in my knowledge
