Dog people

I just received an email from my sister. (thanks Kathleen) It occurred to me, after I looked at the attached file, that dog people are very much their own breed. I know that many people are "dog people" and I don't want to offend, (this might be a lie, but try and let it pass) but I just can't image dressing a cat up for Easter. First off, you would have to drug it, and second it wouldn't sit and let you take a demeaning picture of it. Go on try to take a picture and hold me down at the same time. Try to explain to your friends how cute that flattened, hissing, fuzz ball is in bunny ears under your death grip.

It just occurred to me that dogs are lot like very insecure people. They'll do anything to make you happy. Sit... yeah yeah sure... roll over? Yes yes pant pant... do you love me? Am I a good dog? Please touch me! please take me with you.. pant pant... Am I a good dog!!? I've MISSED YOU! where were you... you smelll like another dog! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME!? Tell me I'm a good dog!


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Is this a continuation of the Iran blog?

  2. I suppose it's my own fault for always giving other people trouble. No this post isn't about Iran, but let's ask ourselves, "How do Iranian nuclear ambitions relate to dogs dressed like bunnies?" First I would say this whole situtation would be a lot less tense if the Iranian leader and our leaders had a bunny conference! I'm suggesting eveyone getting together with bunny ears and talking this out. Thanks so much for your comment, you have a truly dizzing intellect

  3. Dog people are quite different. It is very weird to say that I am officially a dog person, but Ellie actually sleeps on the bed now.

  4. That's a sign of weekness Josh. Do you believe that Ellie sees herself as the Alpha in the relationship? Or does the fact that you ration her food, walk her on a leash, lock her in the car, and tell her when she is allowed to pee lower that perception in her mind?

  5. It probably would lower her perception of Alphaness, if in fact Josh didn't also pick up here poop.
